1. Terms and Definitions Used in the Agreement

Mobile Application — software developed for mobile devices running Android and Apple iOS operating systems, which implements either partial or full functionality of the Website.

Administration — employees and individuals granted at least one of the following authorities: to control Website operation; to make any administrative and organizational decisions with respect to the Website; to provide services to Users as part of the Website use by the latter.

Company — ТОО "HOLLAR", BIN - 220640003744.

Resources — a set of computer programs and databases that ensure the functioning of the Website and Mobile Application, as well as the set of Services provided to Users in the course of using the Website and Mobile Application.

Visitor — any person who visits and uses the Website.

User — a Visitor who completed the registration procedure either on the Website or the Mobile Application.

Buyer — a User who posted a Task on the Website, in accordance with the Website Rules.

Freelancer — a User approved by a Buyer to complete a Task.

User Login Data — email address (login) used to log in to the Account, as specified by the User at the time of registration on the Website or Mobile Application.

Task — a request posted by a Buyer on the Website, inviting Freelancers to complete a specific activity.

Account — a User's personal page on the Website. Information about the User posted in the Account at their discretion may be viewed by other Users of the Website and the Internet.

User Balance — a system of funds management on the Website based on User's financial transactions, which is located in the User Account. The total amount of money on the User's Balance at the current time is calculated as the amount of available and reserved funds in accordance with the procedure for rendering Services and payments on the Website.

Website Services — any services provided by the Website to the User under the terms of this Agreement.

Personal Data — any information, related to the User, including the data they provide during registration on the Website.

Payment service (money transfer operator) — an entity involved by the Website to act as an intermediary for conducting Users' financial transactions

Terms that are not defined in Section 1 of the Agreement may be used herein. If a term is not clearly defined within this Agreement, it shall be interpreted based on its meaning as defined on the Website, or as commonly used on the Internet.

2. General Terms
2.1. The present Agreement shall govern the use of the Website and Mobile Application, as well as any relationship arising from a User's use of the Website, Mobile Application and Services.

2.2. All the elements of the present Agreement that apply to the Website apply equally to the Mobile Application.

2.3. Under the present Agreement, the User's acceptance and compliance with requirements and provisions defined by the following documents shall constitute an obligatory condition for access to the Website Services.

2.3.1. The present Agreement and Annexes thereto;

2.3.2. The Website's Terms of Use, which are continuously available on the Website at:

2.3.3. Informational resources that are always publicly available on the Website at

2.4. The Administration reserves the right to forbid any User to use the Website or restrict access to the Website Services at any time without explanation, either due to a violation of this Agreement or for security reasons.

2.5. The User is granted a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Website and its in accordance with this Agreement, provided that neither the User nor any other individuals assisted by the User engage in any of the following actions: copying or altering the Website or Services software; creating derivative works based on the Website and Services software; attempting to access or reverse-engineer the software to obtain source code; selling, assigning, leasing or transfering rights of the Website's materials and software to third parties in any other form; modifying the Website and Services, including for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access; or any similar actions that violate the rights of the Website and those of the third parties.

2.6. The User is permitted to publish information about themselves and their projects (Tasks, Vacancies) using the Website Services, in compliance with the terms and rules described in the documents specified in Section 2.3 of the present Agreement.

2.7. The User's Login Data constitute confidential information. The Website Administration and the User undertake not to disclose User Login Data to any third parties.

2.8. The Website Administration reserves the right to change the terms of the Agreement and any integral parts thereof without prior agreement with Users, providing notification by posting a new version of the Agreement or Annexes on the Website. In this regard, the User undertakes to review the Agreement posted on the Website at least once a month in order to familiarize themselves with any changes in a timely manner. The new version of the Agreement and/or Annexes thereto shall come into force upon their publication on the Website, unless another effective date for such changes is determined by the Administration at the time of its publication. The current version of the Agreement and any Annexes thereto is always publicly available on the Website at

2.9. When using the Website and its Services in any way (such as browsing Website pages, registration, transfer of contact and personal data to the third parties, etc.), the User expresses their full and unconditional consent (Acceptance) to the terms of the present Agreement related to the use of the Website, as published on the Internet at: as a public offer.

2.10. The Agreement is considered concluded and is in force with no expiry date based on the conditions of this offer once the User performs any actions to register on the Website or in the Mobile Application by any available method.

2.11. The Website Services are available only to individuals who are at least 16 years old, unless your local laws and regulations specify a different minimum age.

3. Rights and Obligations of the User
3.1. The User is not allowed to share their Login Data with third parties.

3.2. The User agrees to use the Personal Data from the Website Database in accordance with the local laws and regulations on personal data, including any amendments made during the term of the Agreement, as follows:

- Personal data from the Database may be used only to facilitate the Website's operation and provide Services to the User;

- The User is not allowed to disclose any information about other Users obtained through the Website to the third parties;

- If the User keeps information from the Database on paper or electronic media, they are obliged to do so in compliance with the local laws and regulations, as well as any amendments made thereto during the term of the Agreement, and commit themselves to being an operator in terms of those laws and regulations;

- The User is fully liable for any harm caused to other Users as a result of the User's failure to comply with local legislation and any amendments made thereto during the term of the Agreement.

3.3. Users agree to refrain from using the Website to:

3.3.1. Users must not upload, publish, transfer, or otherwise post any content that:

- Contains threats, defamation, insults, or infringes upon the honor, dignity, or reputation of other Users or third parties, or violates their privacy.

- Violates the rights of minors; is vulgar or obscene, contains pornographic images and texts or sexual scenes involving minors;

- Contains scenes of cruel treatment of animals; contains a description of suicide means and methods or any incitement to commit it;

- Promotes and/or fuels racial, religious, ethnic hatred or hostility, promotes fascism or racial superiority ideology;

- Contains extremist materials;

- Promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions, or guidance on how to commit criminal acts,

- Shares restricted access information, including but not limited to state and commercial secrets, as well as information on the privacy of third parties;

- Advertises or describes the attractiveness of drug use, including "digital drugs" (audio files affecting human brain through binaural beats), and provides information on drug distribution, recipes for production and tips for using them;

- Engages in fraud or violates the rights, interests, or legal requirements governing citizens and legal entities.

3.3.2. Violate the rights of minors and/or harm them in any way;

3.3.3. Infringe on the rights of minorities;

3.3.4. Impersonate another person or a representative of an organization and/or community without authorization, including impersonating employees, blog or project moderators, or Internet resources owners, as well as misleading others regarding the properties and characteristics of any entities or objects;

3.3.5. Upload, publish, transfer or in any other way post content that the User has no right to make available under current legislation or according to any contractual relationship;

3.3.6. Upload, publish, transfer or in any other way post content that affects ownership and/or copyright and related rights of a third party;

3.3.7. Upload, publish, transfer or in any other way post materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or limit functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or programs with the aim of obtaining unauthorized access. This includes serial numbers for commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid Internet resources, as well as post links to the such information;

3.3.8. Publish any form of advertising (in comments, Tasks, testimonials, or messages), including postingTasks with an impractical scope for completion.;

3.3.9. Illegally collect or process personal data of the third parties.

3.3.10. Take fraudulent actions aimed at appropriating another person's property or funds.

3.3.11. Engage in any other activities that violate the existing legislation.

3.4. The User is prohibited from creating, distributing or using any third-party software, which is directly or indirectly related to the operation of the Website and its Services and/or affecting the Website and its Services.

3.5. An Insolvo Affiliate Program partner is obligated not to post advertisements (including Google Ads) on brand queries containing the keywords "insolvo", "" and other derivatives containing the website name or similar terms. This includes both direct and indirect usage of Affiliate links in any way. Indirect usage refers to situations where an advertisement does not contain Affiliate links, but Users who click on the advertisement are automatically or through advertising materials directed to the affiliate link.

Otherwise, the Website Administration reserves the right to pause the payment of the Affiliate reward until the sources of the traffic have been checked, and to deny it in case of violations.

3.6. An Insolvo Affiliate Program partner is obligated not to violate applicable laws in force and/or the third party rules when promoting their affiliate links.

4. Website Services
4.1. To access the full range of Services offered on the Website, Users must complete the compulsory registration process.

4.2. Upon completion of the registration process, the User becomes the owner of Their Login Data and is responsible for its security, as well as for any actions taken on the Website using their Login Data. The User must promptly notify the Website Administration of any case of unauthorized access to the Website using their Login Data, that is, obtained by a third party without the User's consent and knowledge, and/or about any breach of their Login Data security. The User also agrees to end each session by clicking the "Log out" button. The Website Administration is not liable for any possible loss or damage to data resulting from the User's failure to comply with the provisions of this Section.

4.3. To access the Website, the User must enter their Login Data on the login page.

4.4. Both the Buyer and the Freelancer are required to confirm the completion of the Task using the Website's services.

4.5. If payment for a Task is not made through the Website's Services and/or if a Buyer and/or Freelancer has any claims regarding the Task's completion or the payment amount, they may request dispute resolution from the Website Administration. Both the Buyer and the Freelancer agree to comply with the terms of the Agreement on the Website usage and to provide the Administration with truthful information regarding any conditions and circumstances of the Task's completion.

When resolving a dispute, the Administration shall consider any relevant information from the Users' correspondence on the Website, including files, links, and any other materials exchanged via the Website Services during the Task's completion.

If the Administration is involved in resolving a Task-related dispute, the Users Users acknowledge the Administration's full and unconditional right to take any necessary actions based on its analysis of the available information. The Administration's decision shall be final and not subject to change or discussion. Furthermore, the Administration is not obliged to explain and disclose the reasons behind its decision to the Users.

4.6. The Website Administration reserves the right to unilaterally change the Service fees at its discretion. Users will be notified of any changes in the Services fees via updates on the relevant website page where service pricing is listed, as well as through changes to the List of Paid Services. If the cost of Services is changed, Services already paid for by the User shall be provided using the rates effective at the time of payment.

4.7. The Website Administration does not issue invoices, acts, or any other accounting documents.

4.8. Buyers and Freelancers have access to an instant messaging service (chat) as part of their Task collaboration. Chat correspondence is not considered private. By using the Website’s chat, Users acknowledge and agree that the Administration may access their correspondence at any moment. The Administration also reserves the right to provide third parties with access to user correspondence when required by law.

5. Financial Transactions on the Website
5.1. Monetary transfers between Users shall be facilitated through the software and hardware systems of the Payment Service involved by the Website, which acts as an intermediary to ensure the necessary conditions for transferring funds from a Buyer's account to a Freelancer's account. To make payments, the User must:

5.1.1. Complete forms used for money transfer based on the guidelines specified in on-screen Payment Service forms, and independently confirm the selected transfer options.

5.1.2. Follow the instructions and the Website Rules to complete forms on the Website for withdrawing funds from the Balance to their account/digital wallet and independently confirm the selected withdrawal systems. By initiating a withdrawal, the User confirms their familiarity with the terms and conditions of the selected payment systems.

5.2. Payments between Users shall be made on a post-payment basis. To ensure compliance with the terms specified in a Task, the price of the Task determined by the Buyer shall be reserved on the Buyer's account using the Payment Service software and hardware systems. The transfer of funds to a Freelancer's account is possible only if the Freelancer complies with the terms specified in the Task description. The total amount transfered, representing payment for services rendered by the Freelancer to the Buyer in accordance with the Task, may differ from the price initially specified by the Buyer for the Task.

5.3. The use of the Website to perform financial transactions not directly related to the performance of a specific Task is strictly prohibited. In the absence of the results of the Task and sufficient information on the progress of the Task on the Website, all transactions related to such Task may be canceled.

5.4. The User may be charged a fee deducted from the amount of a transfer for money transfer services provided by the Payment Service, which the User shall pay at their own expense. Whereby:

- Information on the fee amount is available on the Payment Service on-screen forms at the time of transfer execution.

- The fee amount is specified in the Payment Service on-screen form up till the moment the User confirms the transfer. The User has the right to refuse to execute a transfer before it is approved if for any reason they are not satisfied with the fee being charged.

5.5. Money transfer operators used as the Payment Service shall be determined by the Website Administration, and may be changed at its discretion.

5.6. The User's payment for the Website Services under the present Agreement shall be made via cashless transfer in the form of 100% advanced payment or post-payment (depending on the type of Service) using the Payment Service's software and hardware facilities.

5.7. The Administration shall not be responsible for changes to the User's Balance status resulting from unauthorized access of any third parties to the User's Login Data due to the User's negligence.

6. Personal Data
6.1. The information in the User Account or may include their Personal Data. Any such Personal Data are publicly available and can be viewed by other Website Users and Visitors.

6.2. Although Personal Data are made publicly available with the User's consent, the Website Administration remains committed to implementing organizational and technical measures to protect such Data from unauthorized access in a way that is not prescribed by the Website.

6.3. Due to a Website malfunction, virus, or hacker attack, technical failure or any other unforeseen circumstances, User Data may become accessible to third parties. The User acknowledges this and agrees that they will not raise any claims against the Website Administration in this regard.

6.4. By providing their Personal Data on the Website, the User consents to the processing of such Personal Data (as outlined in Annex 2 to this Agreement) and unconditionally agrees to the following:

- the sharing of Personal Data specified in their Account with an unlimited number of people using the Website;

- the dissemination of Personal Data through the the Website;

- the processing of Personal Data by the Website Administration;

- other Website Administration actions related to such Data that are necessary for the Website's functioning.

6.5. By posting their Data on the Website, the User confirms that they are doing it voluntarily, and that they willingly submit any such Data to the Website Administration for processing. If the User does not agree with the above conditions, they shall not register on the Website or shall immediately delete their Account and use the Website solely as a Visitor.

6.6. The Administration processes only the Personal Data of the User that have been submitted through the Website. The User's Personal Data shall be processed using the Website's hardware and software components.

6.7. The purpose of Users' Personal Data processing is to compile a Database of Website Users in order to ensure the Website's functionality and provide Website Services to Users in accordance with the terms of the present Agreement.

6.8. The User's Personal Data shall be processed for the duration of their use of the Website Services. After the User submits their Personal Data through the Website, such data are stored in a secured form for analysis to prevent fraud involving third parties, until the Website owner ceases to operate as a legal entity. The Administration can de-personalize Personal Data at the User's request for their Personal Data deletion with the purpose of saving the information about the actions of the User's account.

6.9. The User's Personal Data are processed for the purpose of ensuring the Website's operation and verification of the User's Personal Data to prevent fraud against third parties. Therefore, such processing of the data by the Website does not result any negative consequences for the User. The Administration shall not be responsible for for the use of the User's Personal Data by third parties.

6.10. The Website Administration undertakes not to post the Personal Data of other people on the Website or use Personal Data of other Users or Visitors for unlawful or illegal purposes, for gaining profit and for any other purposes not corresponding to the goal of this Website's creation.

6.11. The Website Administration is entitled to retain an archival copy of the User's Data and, without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement and without the User's consent, may transfer the User's Data:

- to public authorities, including inquiry and investigative authorities, and local self-government authorities at their motivated request;

- based on a court order.

7. User's Responsibility
7.1. The User independently determines steps and means necessary to to keep their Login Data confidential and to ensure authorized access only. The Website Administration shall not be liable for damages of any kind caused to the User as a result of disclosing their Login Data to third parties, which occurred through no fault of the Administration. Any actions taken on the Website using User Login Data shall be deemed as performed by the User. The User is solely responsible for any actions on the Website, as well as for any actions carried out by other people using the User's Login Data.

7.2. Website Services provide the User with the practical possibility of changing the password.

7.3. The User is responsible for respecting third-party rights (both tangible and intangible) concerning the information transferred (or provided) to the Administration or third parties while using the Website and the Services. Users shall independently assess the legitimacy of their use of the Website and Services, taking into account the legislation of the country in which they reside.

7.4. Neither the User nor the Website Administration shall be held liable for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of their obligations, if such failure occurs due to such circumstances as a flood, fire, earthquake, other natural disasters, war or military actions and any other force majeure circumstances that have arisen upon the Agreement's conclusion and occurred independent of the will of the parties to this Agreement.

7.5. If force majeure circumstances persist for more than 3 (three) months, any party to the Agreement is entitled to unilaterally refuse to fulfill their obligations under the present Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

8. Intellectual Property
8.1. The Website's Intellectual Property:

8.1.1. The Website's design and program code, information, graphic, audio, video, photo and other content (both visible to Users and not visible unless specific actions are taken, either legal or not) constitute the intellectual property of the Website or any other copyright holders who have entered into agreements with the Website granting them the right to display such intellectual property on the Website or as a part thereof. Any such objects are protected in accordance with the current legislation. No intellectual property objects or the transfer of rights to them shall constitute the subject of present Agreement.

8.1.2. The User's actions or inaction that result in a violation of the Website's rights or aimed at violating the Website's rights to intellectual property objects specified in Section 8.1.1 of the Agreement, presuppose the User's criminal, civil, and administrative liability under current legislation. If the User violates Sections 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 of the present Agreement, the Website Administration shall have the right to take action, including the immediate deletion of the User's Account from the Database without being required to comply with Section 11.7 of the Agreement.

8.2. Intellectual Property of a User and Third Parties

8.2.1. The User shall be solely responsible for the use of rights to intellectual property objects contained in materials they post on the Website or share with other Users, as well as in the materials stored on the Website in the User's Account, or any materials otherwise available with the use of or through the Website as a result of the User's actions and/or inaction.

8.2.2. The User guarantees to use their own resources and expenses to settle any possible claims against the Website made by copyright holders and/or authors and/or freelancers or other third parties that are related to materials specified in Section 8.2.1 of the Agreement. In the event of claims, lawsuits, or demands made against the Website by third parties and related to the User's illegal use of intellectual property on the Website, the User undertakes to reimburse the Website for any losses that the latter incurred as a result of such violation or lodging of such claims, whereas the Website Administration shall have the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally following the deletion of the User's Account from the Database.

8.2.3. Considering that the Website is accessible to Users, and the Administration does not guarantee that materials posted or provided by the Website Users are free of third party claims, if the User or a Visitor is a holder (or their successor) of copyright to intellectual property objects posted on the Website and their rights are thus being violated through the use of the Website in one way or another, the following procedure for settlement of third part claims applies:

- The claim containing information on intellectual property, the rights to which belong to the applicant and which is illegally used through the Website, shall be filed to the Website Administration via email at, along with the documents confirming applicant's rights, data on the copyright holder, as well as copy of the power of attorney allowing respective actions on behalf of the copyright holder if the applicant is not a copyright holding company manager or a copyright holder themselves. In addition, the claim shall contain the address of a Website page containing data that violate rights and a complete description of the rights violation (e.g., why the copyright holder prohibits sharing this information);

- the Website Administration undertakes to review a duly executed claim within 5 (five) business days following the date of its receipt, and notify the applicant about the results of such review. The Administration shall have the right to request additional documents, certificates, and any other data confirming lawfulness of the claim in question. If the claim is found lawful, the Administration shall take all and any reasonable steps required to stop the violation of copyright holder's rights.

- In addition, by filing a claim against the Website, the User and/or Visitor declares and warrants that in the event of any third party claims against the Website (from other Users and/or Visitors), related to violation of their rights (including consumer rights) with regard to remote/blocked information and/or data, the applicant undertakes to take all reasonable steps to settle any such claims, as well as possible disputes, including court disputes.The claimant also agrees to fully compensate the Website for any losses incurred as a result of these claims and disputes.

8.3. If the Task result constitutes an intellectual property rights object, the moment the Buyer pays for it, excusive rights to the created object are fully transferred to the Buyer.

8.4. By posting on the Website intellectual property objects, to which the User is an author or a copyright holder (hereinafter - Objects), the User unconditionally agrees with the provisions of the present Section and allows free and non-exclusive use of said intellectual property Objects by the Website for advertising/informational and other non-commercial purposes.
This includes, but is not limited to the following ways: the User grants the Website a non-exclusive right to distribute, reproduce, show publicly, and make Objects available to the public, so that any person could out of their preference access such Objects from anywhere and at any time, including via the Internet. These uses may include, but are not limited to, featuring the Objects on the Freelancer's Website and on the Website's pages in social networks, including but not limited to: a selection of Freelancers' works, the Freelancer's portfolio, as part of other generalizing posts, ratings, in articles and reviews, and in any other ways that meet objectives specified in this Section of the present Agreement.
The rights shall be granted free of charge, which means that the User shall have no right to demand remuneration from the Website for the use of Objects in the ways and/or for purposes specified herein.

9. The Procedure of Dispute Resolution and Claim Settlement
9.1. If a dispute arises between the User and the Website regarding the fulfillment of the present Agreement, the parties shall take all reasonable steps to resolve the issue through negotiations. The claim procedure for dispute resolution is mandatory. The Administration will only accept and review User claims related to Services that are submitted in writing and according to the procedure set forth in this Agreement and applicable law.

9.2. All claims regarding rendered services and transactions on the Website shall be reviewed by the Administration within 14 calendar days following their completion. Absence of such claims within the specified term shall mean the User's unconditional acceptance of the services and transactions.

9.3. The following claim procedure shall be applied to resolve disputes that arose between the User and the Website as a result of using the Services:

- A User who believes that their rights are violated as a result of actions on the part of the Administration must submit a written claim containing the nature of the demand, justification of its submission, as well as all User data to;

- The Administration is obliged to declare its viewpoint on the principal issues specified in the claim and send its response to the email address that the User has indicated in the claim within 5 (five) business days following the date of claim receipt;

- The Administration shall not consider anonymous claims or complaints that prevent the User identification based on information provided by them during registration or claims that do not contain the data specified in this Section of the present Agreement.

9.4. To resolve technical issues related to determining the User's liability resulting from their wrongful acts while using the Internet and the Website in particular, the Administration shall have the right to independently engage competent organizations as experts. If the User's fault is confirmed, the latter shall reimburse the cost of examination.

10. Entry Into Effect and the Validity of the Agreement
10.1. The Agreement shall come into effect immediately after the User accepts this offer. The User's registration on the Website by way of filling out the registration form and consent to the Agreement terms by pressing "Register" button located on the Website page with the registration form shall constitute the User's unconditional acceptance to the terms of this offer.

10.2. The Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated at any time by either party. For this purpose, the Administration shall send the User a freeform notification of termination of the Agreement to the email address specified during registration. Upon sending this notification, the Agreement shall be deemed terminated. The User may terminate the Agreement by removing their Account from the Website using the Website Services or by submitting an Account removal request to the Administration; any subsequent processing of personal data shall be performed according to Sections 6.8.- 6.11 of the present Agreement.

10.3. If this Agreement is unilaterally terminated by either party, the funds in the "Available" section of the User's Balance on the Website shall be refunded to the User within 5 (five) banking days after the Administration receives a written refund request from the User. The refund request shall be submitted in an arbitrary format and include at least the following information:

- the number of the User's wallet in one of the payment systems used for money withdrawals from the Website in accordance with Section 5.4 of this Agreement.

10.4. The present Agreement shall apply to Users who registered before the present Agreement was published on the Website.

10.5. The User agrees to review the Agreement independently. If the User does not agree with the terms of the present Agreement, they shall immediately delete their Account from the Website; otherwise, the continued use of the Website by the User will be considered as their acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.

10.6. UTC +3 time is used to determine the ime limits for actions (or inactions) by either party or third parties.

11. Special Terms
11.1. As of the effective date of this Agreement enters into effect, any prior agreements or correspondence between the parties relating to its subject matter or similar matters (including correspondence concerning the subject matter of the Agreement sent prior to the conclusion of this Agreement) shall be terminated.

11.2. The Administration does not guarantee that the Website's software is free from errors, viruses or any other harmful components. Users access and use the Website's software on an "as is" basis and without any guarantees from the Administration.

11.3. The Website Administration will make reasonable efforts to ensure the continuous and uninterrupted operation of the Website, but shall not be liable for failure or improper performance of the obligations under the Agreement, and any possible losses incurred as a result of events including, but not limited to the following:

11.3.1. Malicious or unlawful actions by Users or Visitors aimed at violating the information security or normal functioning of the Website;

11.3.2. System failures caused by software errors, computer viruses and any other external code snippets in the Website software;

11.3.3. Interruption of Internet connectivity including failure to establish connection or unexpected disconnections, between the User's and the Website's servers;

11.3.4. Official investigative actions conducted by public, municipal, or other authorized authorities;

11.3.5. Imposition of regulations by public or private entities over the economic activities of commercial organizations on the Internet or the enforcement of one-time restrictions that hinder or prevent the fulfillment of this Agreement;

11.3.6. Any other actions or omissions by Users or other entities aimed at deteriorating the conditions existing at the time of this Agreement's execution through the use of the Internet or computer equipment, as well as any malicious actions targeting the Website or third parties;

11.3.7. Activities listed in Sections 11.4 and 11.5 of the Agreement.

11.4. The Administration is entitled to conduct scheduled maintenance on the Website software and hardware systems, which presupposes temporary suspension of the Website functionality. Such maintenance, if possible, will occur at night to minimize downtime. If technically possible, Users shall be notified of any such activities.

11.5. In case of force majeure circumstances, as well as accidents or failures of software and hardware systems that belong to third parties cooperating with the Website, or third party actions (lack of actions) aimed at suspending or disabling the Website functioning, the Website operation may be suspended without prior notification to Users.

11.6. The Website Administration shall not be responsible for the User's actions on the Website, any employment-related matters between Users on the Website, as well as Users' tax liabilities that may arise as a consequence of their actions on the Website.

11.7. The Website Administration is not engaged in labor relations with Users completing Tasks on the Website, and, therefore, shall not be liable for the results of their activities.

11.8. The Website Administration has no contractual relations with Users posting Tasks on the Website, and, therefore, does not guarantee their completion, nor shall it be liable for the results of their completion.

11.9. The Website Administration is not liable for losses caused to the User as a result of false information provided by another User and actions (lack of actions) on the part of another User. The Administration does not guarantee accuracy and completeness of the information contained in User Accounts.

11.10. If the User violates the terms of the Agreement and that of any other documents specified in Section 2.2 hereof, the Administration may take the following steps in any order with respect to the User, depending on the situation:

- Issue a warning to the User with a list of violations;

- Issue a second warning to the User with a list of violations;

- Unilaterally block the User's access to their Account and cancel any active Tasks, with the Administration having discretion to determine the User's remuneration for such Tasks. Any amount in the 'Available' section of the User's Balance at the time of Agreement termination, upon the User's written request, will be returned in accordance with Section 10.3 of this Agreement.
If any such violations caused damage to third parties, the User shall be fully responsible for such damages.

Consent to Personal Data Processing
By registering on the Website, the User gives Consent to their Personal Data processing (hereinafter, Consent), which is an Annex to the User Agreement. Acceptance of the User Agreement implies the User agrees with all Sections of the User Agreement and its Annexes, which include this Consent. The User agrees to their Personal Data processing on the following terms:

1. The purpose of Users' Personal Data processing is to compile a Database of Website Users in order to ensure the Website's functioning and subsequent provision of Website Services to Users with the aim of fulfilling the present Agreement terms.

2. The purpose of Users' PD processing is to compile a Database of Website Users in order to ensure Website functioning and subsequent provision of Website Services to Users with the aim of fulfilling the present Agreement terms.

3. Personal Data are processed both with and without the use of automated tools.

4. In the course of Personal Data processing, the following actions (procedures) may take place: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, detailing (update, modification), retrieval, use, depersonalization, blocking, removal, and destruction.

5. Personal Data are processed until the Website termination.

6. If the User cancels their consent to the Personal Data processing, the Website shall be entitled to continue processing such data without the User's consent in cases established by the current legislation.

7. This Consent is valid all the time until the processing of personal data is terminated, in accordance with Sections 5 and 6 of this Consent.

Agreement to Financial Data Storage for Future Transactions
This Agreement is an Annex to the User Agreement and the Paid Subscription Agreement located on the Website pages. All terms used in this Agreement have the meaning stated in the User Agreement.

The User guarantees that they have the necessary authority to enter into the present Agreement.

When performing financial transactions on the Website with the help of a bank card, the User agrees to the bank card data storage (specifically, the last four digits of the card's number, the issuing bank, the country where the card was issued), hereafter, the Data.

The Data will be used for future transactions, automatic transfers initiated by the User in cases when the User selected the option of automatic renewals. The event that causes the transaction is the payment date, which occurs once a month, once every two months or once every ten days depending on the settings selected by the User, starting with the first payment.

The Agreement remains in force until the User Agreement is terminated.

The current version of this Agreement and all its changes are published at The User agrees to visit the page and check the changes in the Agreement on their own.
Privacy Policy
Personal Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter, Policy) applies to any information that the Website Administration may obtain about the User in the course of their use of the Website, as well as during fulfilling any agreements or contracts with the User. All the Sections of the present Policy that apply to the Website equally apply to the Mobile Application.
1. Basic terms
1.1. Website – the website located on the Internet at

1.2. Mobile Application — the software developed for mobile devices running Android and Apple iOS operating systems, in which the Website functionality is implemented either partially or fully.

1.3. The User – a person who duly registered on the Website or submitted their Personal Data using the Contact Form on the Website with the aim of its subsequent transfer to the Website Administration.

1.3. Contact Form – the form where the User submits their personal information with the aim of its transfer to the Website Administration.

2. General Terms
2.1. The present Privacy Policy is an official standard document of the Website Administration and establish the Website Administration's obligations with regard to non-disclosing and ensuring protection of Personal Data, which the User submits when using the Website.

2.2. The present Privacy Policy aims at ensuring the adequate protection of information about the User, including their Personal Data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

2.3. Any relations associated with collection, storage, distribution, and protection of information about Users is governed by the present Privacy Policy and the current legislation.

2.4. The current version of the Privacy Policy is a public document developed by the Website Administration and available to any Internet user by clicking on the “Privacy Policy” hypertext link located at

2.5. The Privacy Policy is strictly followed by all employees of the Website.

2.6. Use of the Website, as well as its separate functions, means the User's unconditional consent to the present Privacy Policy and the terms of Personal Data processing specified herein; if the User disagrees with these terms, they shall refrain from using the Website.

2.7. The present Privacy Policy applies only to information processed in the course of the Website usage. The Website Administration does not control or bear any responsibility for data processing by third party websites that the User may visit by following links available on the Website.

2.8. The Website Administration does not verify accuracy of the Personal Data submitted by the User and does not have the ability to assess their legal capacity. However, the Website Administration assumes that the User provides only accurate and sufficient personal data and keeps them up to date.

3. The Terms and Purposes of the User's Personal Data Collection and Processing
3.1. The Website Administration collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary to provide full or partial functionality of the Website or fulfill agreements and contracts with the User, except in cases when the legislation provides for mandatory storage of Personal Data for a period established by law.

3.2. The Website Administration can collect and process the following data with the User's consent: first name, last name, date of birth, profile picture, phone number, email address, city and country of residence, e-wallets, IP, and cookies.

3.3. The Website Administration processes the User's Personal Data in order to:

- provide access to the Website functionality and fulfill the terms of the User Agreement;

- respond to the User's requests that they may send to the Website's support team;

- follow the requirements of the Payment Services that are partners of the Website, and enable the financial transactions of Users on the Website;

- prevent illegal or fraudulent actions by Users on the Website.

3.4. Personal Data are processed based on the following principles:

3.4.1. The legality of the purposes and methods of Personal Data processing;

3.4.2. Compliance of Personal Data processing purposes with the purposes that were established and stated when collecting Personal Data;

3.4.3. Compliance of the volume and nature of processed Personal Data with the methods and purposes of Personal Data processing;

3.4.4. Prevention of Personal Data processing that is incompatible with the purposes of Personal Data collection.

3.4.5. Inadmissibility of combining created databases containing Personal Data, the processing of which is carried out for incompatible purposes.

3.5. In the cases established by the current legislation, the Administration of the Website has the right to transfer the Personal Data of Users.
4. The Terms of User's Personal Data Processing
4.1. The processing of the User's Personal Data is carried out without time limitation, in any legal manner, including in personal data information systems with or without the use of automated tools.

4.2. A partner service with proper licencing and permissions for processing personal data in accordance with current legislation is engaged to verify Users. The Website does not participate in the process of collecting and processing the data necessary for verification and does not store such data.

4.3. The User's Personal Data shall be kept confidential, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about themselves for public access to an unlimited number of people. When using certain features of the Website, the User agrees that a certain part of their Personal Data becomes publicly available.

4.4. The User's Personal Data can be transferred to partner Payment Services to ensure financial transactions processing on the Website, as well as in cases where the User disputes completed transactions.

4.5. The User's Personal Data shall not be forwarded to third parties, except in cases expressly provided for in this Privacy Policy, specified in Sections 4.3 and 4.4, or in order to comply with the requirements of current legislation.
5. Rights of the Personal Data Subject. Personal Data Modification and Removal
5.1. The User has a right at any time to change (update, supplement) their submitted Personal Data or a part of the data using the feature of Personal Data editing in the personal section of the Website or by sending a corresponding request via the "Contacts" page of the Website :

5.2. The User's Personal Data shall be destroyed based on the User's request or at the Website Administration's initiative if it does not contradict the current legislation. In the latter case, the Website Administration can delete the information submitted by the User without explaining the reasons for the removal.

5.3. A request for Personal Data change (update, supplementation, or removal) submitted by the User, should contain the following information:

- the email address that was used by the User when registering on the Website,

- the date of the User's registration on the Website,

- text of the request (in any form).

5.4. The Website Administration undertakes to review the request and respond to it within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request.

5.5. Any correspondence received by the Website Administration from the User shall constitute restricted access information and shall not be subject to disclosure without the User's written consent. The Personal Data and any other information about the User who submitted the request shall not be used without the User's specific consent, except as to send a response on the topic of the received request, as expressly provided for by the legislation.

6. Personal Data Processing Using Cookies
6.1. Cookie files transmitted to the Website Administration by the User's technical device may be used to provide the User with personalized Website features, for statistical and research purposes, as well as for the Website's improvement.

6.2. The Website uses cookie files to improve the quality of the service. Cookies are used to obtain information about the way the User accesses the Website, pages they view, as well as other actions that the User performs on the Website. These data are necessary to improve the convenience of the User navigation on the Website.

6.3. The User's data obtained from cookies shall remain anonymous.
7. Measures Taken to Protect the User's Personal Data
7.1. The Website Administration shall take required and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the User's Personal Data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from any other unlawful actions taken by third parties.
8. Changes to the Privacy Policy
8.1. The Website Administration has the right to make changes to the present Privacy Policy. When changes are made to the Privacy Policy, the Website Administration shall notify the User by posting an updated version of the Privacy Policy on the Website